Mortgage Solutions for Everyone

Mortgage Solutions for Everyone
A mortgage for everyone

Friday, November 28, 2014

Thinking of buying your next home?

Thinking of buying your next home?

Your first move should be to talk to us!

Maybe you want to create the perfect house that fits your lifestyle. Or maybe your family needs more room to grow. Whatever your reason, when you are ready to sell your home and buy a new one, we’ll help you review your mortgage options. If you will need a bigger mortgage, your options will include bringing your mortgage with you if it is portable. You can often “blend” your current mortgage rate with the mortgage rate on the additional funds you need. Or, you might want to consider breaking your current mortgage and getting a new one for the total amount. To break your mortgage, your lender typically has the right to charge a penalty, which we can review with you. Of course, the exact terms and conditions of your current mortgage need to be examined closely to determine what factors need to be considered. That’s why it’s worth a professional mortgage analysis. There’s no cost or obligation.


We’re up-to-date on current rates and all of the new opportunities available – from a wide range of lenders  – so we can help you with all of the mortgage details for your next home.
Michelle Natareno
Mortgage Agent

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